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Lavender Shortage and Skyrocketing Prices!

Tony McClellan

You may have heard that there is not enough lavender in Bulgaria (the world's largest producer) to keep up with the huge demand of lavender essential oil. You may have also heard that prices are skyrocketing! I want you to sit back, take the cap off of your lavender bottle, and breathe in deeply. You can relax because if you are a doTERRA customer, you don't have anything to worry about.

Founding Executive Emily Wright released this statement:

"It has come to our attention that certain brokers in Bulgaria unnecessarily escalated the price of Bulgarian lavender this year. This is a great example of why doTERRA's Co-Impact Sourcing model is so important, where we are working directly with farmers and distillers to help ensure that farmers are treated fairly and to help minimize the effects of such price wars and market volatility. Esseterre, our state-of-the-art distillation facility in Bulgaria, allows us to work in concert with contracted farmers. They appreciate their working relationship with us because they are paid a guaranteed, fair price for their crop and adequately rewarded for producing the highest quality crops. This is changing the landscape for Bulgarian farmers as working with middlemen and brokers, who have historically taken advantage of them, is no longer their only option. Esseterre’s long-term partnerships with these growers allows doTERRA to consistently offer the highest quality essential oils, but also to overcome this type of temporary market price volatility which has historically been perpetuated by middlemen and brokers typically for personal gain, and not with the farmers or the end-users of the oils as the priority."

This is just another reason that I am grateful to be associated with a company that not only brings me the purest and most potent essential oils I have ever used with my family, but one that looks at the bigger picture and is concerned with the welfare of everyone involved in this process.

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