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doterra business is different
Tony's Story continued.... I was mean!
There are lots of direct sales or network marketing opportunities you can participate in, so what makes doTERRA different? Let me share the rest of the story about my personal start with this company. I bet many of you can relate!
I was NOT a fan of network marketing, in fact I wrote one of my final papers at Utah State University on "Why MLM's fail!" Why was I so bitter you ask? I, like many of you, had been involved before. I was told "It's easy! It doesn't take any work! You don't sell, you just share. The product sells itself".... and just about every other cliche pitch you have probably heard. So what did I do in between the time my wife came home with her oil kit, and the time that I became a doTERRA fan myself?
I mocked her. I told her it would never work. I told her that "No one ever makes money in network marketing." I told her that she wasn't running a business, she was running a charity! (She would buy little bottles of oil then put a few drops into an even smaller bottle, and then give them to people who needed them....for FREE!)
It wasn't until I was preparing our taxes and asked for all of the receipts for any doctor's visits, prescriptions, OTC products, etc. that I started to look at these oils a little differently. You see, she said that we didn't have receipts for any of those things because we hadn't spent ANY MONEY on them....all year. We have 5 kids, so those items had been a fairly sizable expense in years past. That is when I became more open to using the products myself and started to really understand how different THESE OILS were from all of the others that we had. I still wasn't on board with the business and considered it a cute little hobby for her and a tax deduction for me.
It all changed when she played the "If you love me, you will come to convention with me" card. I came up with a million things I would rather do, but I did love I did go....and it changed my life. I was so impressed with the owners of the company and with their vision to change the world by lifting families out of poverty and providing real health solutions. From that day on, I supported her and her goals to build this business. I stopped laughing at her when she started making the car payment, then paid it off. Then she started making the house payment, and then paid it off! So what is it that makes this opportunity different than all the others that you have been approached about? I put just a few of the differences in these bullet points:
RETENTION RATES- all network marketing companies pay you on sales volume, so signing up a customer that continues to purchase on a regular basis is a very good thing!
-most N.M. companies are proud to have a 10-15% retention rate
-doTERRA is OVER 65%! That means that you need to sign up 6 people in another company for every 1 that you would need to sign up with us!
CUSTOMERS- to have a truly residual income, you need to have a large base of customers who are NOT distributors, but are loyal customers who buy your product.
-many companies sell their products mainly to distributors who are building a business themselves
-82% of all doTERRA enrollees are customers only! They are not distributors and are not sharing or building a business!
Rank Advancements - A company may advertise great payouts for different ranks, but how many people actually achieve those ranks and how long does it take them to do it? You want to look at a companies Income Disclosure Statement and see the actual numbers! doTERRA once again is amazing!
We could go on and on (and we will if your would like to), but it comes down to this. These are the best oils on the planet. They actually work and do so consistently because of the strict quality standards.
People love these oils and they purchase them on a regular basis and use them daily. If you are starting a business, you want to sell a product that people want to buy. Make sense? If you're ready to get started, take a look at this month's specials to see if there is an enrollment special that is right for you.
Are you ready to begin your journey? Join the Oil-Ninja Team now!
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